Free educational resources for use by all

Please spread the word to other teachers

Check out Assoc Prof Jack Wang’s YouTube channel:

On this channel, we showcase the skills and techniques scientists use every day in the lab. I walk through the theory, demonstrate the techniques, and explain how this training can lead to breakthroughs in scientific research. Join us as part of the Biolab Collective to jumpstart your science education!

Special issue from Frontiers of Microbiology

Tools, Techniques, and Strategies for Teaching in a Real-World Context with Microbiology

The Cognitive Assistance Factor Evaluation (CAFE) Toolkit contains tools to help educators design or re-design their courses or learning materials using Cognitive Load Theory and what we know about human cognitive architecture.

This page is a space where educators can contribute personal photographs for use by other educators and they will be available publicly for use. This will require Creative commons licensing, please see the website (button below) for details:

Free photographs can be found on Unsplash and the Wellcome Collection

Check these websites carefully for conditions of use (usually requires attribution to author).

Lesson plans from the American Society for Microbiology can be found at

Microtoons -

What starts as a normal day for Eric the Erythrocyte becomes an action-packed adventure as the Golden Staph Gang invades the body and battles with the white blood cell army. As the general leading the army, Mike the Macrophage finds himself caught between leading the battle and keeping Eric out of harm's way. MicroToons entertains and explores the science of the microbiological world with original characters.

Please contact ASM EdSIG for details at